Stored Program Architecture in C - C Programming

By stored-program computer, we mean a machine in which the program and the data are stored in memory. Most of the high-level language programming will
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 Stored Program Architecture of Computers

Stored Program Architecture
Stored Program Architecture

  • By stored-program computer, we mean a machine in which the program and the data are stored in memory.
  • Most of the high-level language programming will use this kind of computer implicitly.
  • However, the program that is stored is not high-level language text. It would be necessary to constantly parse this text, which would slow down execution immensely.
  • Instead, one of two other forms of storage is used.
  • An abstract syntax representation of the program could be stored.
  • The identifiers in this representation are pre-translated, and the structure is traversed dynamically as needed during execution.
  • This is the approach used by an interpreter for the language.
  • A second approach is to use a compiler for the language.
  • The compiler translates the program into the very low-level language native to the machine, appropriately called machine language.
  • The native machine language acts as a least-common-denominator language for the computer.
  • A machine that had to understand, at a native level, many different languages would be prohibitively complex and slow.
  • Machine language is rarely programmed directly, since that would involve manipulating bits, with which it is easy to err.
  • Instead, an equivalent symbolic form known as assembly language is employed

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Solved Program Architecture in C
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